Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Impressions of Social Bookmarking (so far)

I am only beginning to feel comfortable using this new tool, so I can't think of too many ways yet that I will be able to use it in my work.
The sites that I have tagged are: geocaching.com, amazon.com, legacyfive.com, christmemorial.net, seattle.mariners.mlb.com and krl2pt.0.
Two things have come to mind so far. The first is that I plan to make a list of my favorite books. Our branch has a display of staff picks for our patrons to check out. Many times it would be easier for me if I also had a list to give them. Along this same line, I would like to make a list of popular Christian fiction authors and their series. This genre is so popular and sometimes it is hard to think of them in a moment's time when asked by patrons. If I had a list of the best series, I could just easily share it when asked.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I read 3 articles, but the one that really made me start thinking was: "43 things I might want to do this year." I think I want to be challenged to try to do as many of these 43 that I can. I may only accomplish a few of them, but anything I can learn will be a step in the right direction. Now, if I just had more time...
Reading the articles for my first assignment made me realize how little I know in regards to emerging technologies and how much I need to learn. I went home last night feeling a bit overwhelmed, but today I decided to just buckle down and work at it. I will not be the fastest and I may need lots of help, but I will do my best.

Life in the Best Little Library

I want to start out by saying that our claim to fame was just for a year. In 1999 our little library received the Award for Excellence in a Small and/or Rural Public Library. This award is given once per year by the Public Library Association, so even though we received the award back then, I am sure there are about 8 libraries around that are just as proud as us. I am just a wee bit proud at the moment though, because about 6 weeks ago we moved into a beautiful new library which is part of the House of Knowledge complex on the Port Gamble S'Klallam Indian Reservation near Kingston, Washington.